这个规范主要参考的是《IEEE REFERENCE GUIDE》,不是这个领域的可能不适用。

作者只有一个人,姓(Last Name)完整保留,名字则只保留每个单词首字母,大写,打点表示省略。


有些论文,作者众多,那么有些期刊会议有要求最多只能显示几个作者,超过一定数量,只写主要作者,其他的用et al.表示省略(et al.斜体),有些则会要求尽可能显示所有作者,除非你找不到人家的名字:

et al.表示作者不止列出的这一个。
另外我们还会在名字后面看到eds. ,表示的是前面的名字是编辑的名字,在参考[1]中,以Eds.形式出现,e大写,如果只有一个编辑,Ed.即可,小写ed.通常指代书的版本:



如果是引用一本书,那么双引号里的可以是章节的名称(“Title of chapter in the book,” in Title of His Published Book),上图就是这样的,那如果没有章节名称就直接跟书名(Title of His Published Book)就好:

- [Conference Proceedings] “Title of paper,” in Abbreviated Name of Conf.
- [Conference Proceedings Online] “Title of paper,” in Abbreviated Name of Conf.
- [Online Dataset Reference] Title, Source, Date
- [Handbooks] Name of Manual/Handbook, x ed., Abbrev. Name of Co.,
- [Manuals/Software(Manual (Online))] J. K. Author (or Abbrev. Name of Co., City of Co. Abbrev. State, Country). Name of Manual/Handbook
- [Manuals/Software(Manual (Print))] Name of Manual/Handbook, x ed., Abbrev. Name of Co., City of Co., Abbrev. State, Country
- [Manuals/Software(Software)] Title of Software. (version or year), Publisher Name.
- [Online Video] Video Owner/Creator, Location (if available). Title of Video: In Initial Caps.
- [Periodicals] J. K. Author, “Name of paper,” Abbrev. Title of Periodical
- [Periodicals(Periodical in Other Language)] J. K. Author, “Name of paper,” (in Language), Abbrev. Title of Periodical
- [Periodicals(Virtual Journal)] Name(s) of Ed(s)., “Title of Issue,” in Title of Journal,
- [Standards] Title of Standard, Standard number, Corporate author, location, date.
- [U.S. Government Documents] Legislative body. Number of Congress, Session. (year, month day). Number of bill or resolution, Title.
- [Conference Paper] “Title of paper,” presented at the Abbreviated Name of Conf.
- [Conference Paper Online] J. K. Author. (Date). Title. Presented at Abbreviated Conf. 这个值得注意的是Author和Title中间会有一个Date,另外不像其他,每个子项是用逗号分隔的,这个每个子项是用句点分隔的。
- [Course] Name of University. (Year). Title of course 这个格式有点像上面。
- [Coursepack] J. K. Instructor. Title of coursepack. (Semester). Title of course.
- [Datasets] Author. “Title.” (Date, Year). Distributed by Publisher/Distributor
- [Lectures] J. K. Author. (Year). Title of lecture
- [Patent] J. K. Author, “Title of patent,” Country Patent xxx,
- [Patent Online] Name of the invention, by inventor’s name.
- [Reports] J. K. Author, “Title of report,” Abbrev. Name of Co., City of Co., Abbrev. State, Country,
- [Report Online] J. K. Author, “Title of report,” Company, City, State, Country,
- [M. Theses (B.S., M.S.) and Dissertations (Ph.D.)] J. K. Author, “Title of thesis,” M.S. thesis/Ph.D. dissertation, Abbrev. Dept., Abbrev. Univ., City of Univ., Abbrev. State, year.
- [Unpublished] J. K. Author, “Title of paper,” unpublished.
这里记一下Conference Proceedings和Conference Paper的区别:
" The Conference Proceedings reference type is best used for unpublished proceedings. Articles that are published as part of the comprehensive conference proceedings should be entered as Conference Paper references."
- [Book] Abbrev. of Publisher
- [Conferences and Conference Proceedings] Conference的名称要缩写,这个是重点,不缩写可能会挨骂,而且最好省略大多数的冠词和介词,这个不省略可能不会被骂,可能(经验不丰富,没有参考价值),举个例子Proceedings of the 1996 Robotics and Automation Conference 可以被缩写成 Proc. 1996 Robotics and Automation Conf. 看到Proc就要条件反射地知道要斜体,不然也可能要挨骂。Conference名称中出现下列单词时,按下图进行缩写(下图的缩写请一定遵守):

- 州名缩写:Abbrev. State
- 机构名缩写:Abbrev. Name of Co.
- 月份缩写:Abbrev. Month,月份缩写通常显示前三个字母,比如Jul.
- 期刊名缩写:Abbrev. Title of Periodical
- 大学院系名和大学名缩写:Abbrev. Dept., Abbrev. Univ.
- et al. 指多个作者
- Eds. 指多个编辑
- Ed. 指一个编辑
- ed. 书的版本
- ch. 章节
- sec. 段落
- pp. 从哪页到哪页
- p. 如果只有一页
- vol. 哪一卷
- no. 序号
- Art. no. 期刊的文章号码
- doi: 数位识别码,有doi的话把doi加到http://dx.doi.org/后面,就可以下载这个文章,这个通常也是放在索引的最后,doi和online有一个就行,都没有也没关系。doi前面一般是逗号隔开。
三、Latex bib 参考文献类型:
- article: magazine (指刊登各种文章、小说、诗歌、评议的杂志。) 或 journal (本义为“日报”,现在可指定期发生的周刊、月刊、季刊等或指学术团体出版的刊物、杂志或学报)上的文章
- book: 出版的书 - booklet: 已经发布的,但是没有出版商或机构的作品
- conference: conference proceedings 里的文章
- inbook: 引用书的一部分 (section, chapter, 等等)
- incollection: 书中带独立标题的章节
- inproceedings: conference proceedings 里的文章
- manual: 技术文档
- masterthesis: 硕士论文
- phdthesis: 博士论文
- proceedings: conference proceedings 里的文章
- techreport: 机构发布的报告
- unpublished: 还没有正式出版的文章,或书
- misc: 不属于以上任何一类
- 年份是不可缺少的,每样东西都有发布的年份。时间是很重要的信息。
- 如果有网上的资源链接,可以用[Online]. Available: http://www.web.com这种方式显示在最后。有时候可以没有[Online]。
A. Reference的缩写指引,哪个单词该用什么样的缩写都列在了这个表格。
B. 出版商名单(出版商名称中括号和括号里的部分是不用显示在Reference里的)
C. 非英文期刊的缩写
[2] Preparation of Papers for IEEE Signal Processing Letters (5-page limit),2015 |